Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Our two month trip started on one of the two desolated airports in Berlin. You know it can onl get better from her.



In Madrid for example where we had our changeover to Buenos Aires.


First walk in the morning after a late arrival the night before. San Telmo flea market.



It was the easter weekend and Buenos Aires was empty.







The travel guide said do not go to La Boca when there is a game of the Boca Juniors, we didn’t know there was a game that day. We survived.


Buenoes Aires is huge, we had to use the metro at one point because our feet where allready done after the first days.





Somewhere close to our accomodation in Almagro.



It is the number one tourist attraction but still a must. Even our host said we have to go there. The famous La Recoleta cemetary.



We took a ferry to Uruguay, the terminal and the professional border control surprised us.